Red Rock Chairman Bell wonders where is his money?

106 views 12/29/2023
Red Rock chairman talking to his DRC bank manager about the whereabouts of his money.
Zum4 months ago
My timestamps 0.00 - 1.50 Still no money 2.00 - 4.00 Your my bank manager. Where's my money? 5.50 - 6.50 Check again 7.70 - 8.60 Without it 8.80 - 9.85 I'm f*cked! 10.60 - 12.50 Felix said after he won the election 12.50 -14.20 $15 million would be awarded quickly 14.25 - 15.46 But nothing! 15.52 - 17.80 I've lost patience. Where's my money? 18.15 - 18.80 WHERE'S MY MONEY? 19.10 - 19.93 WHERE'S MY MONEY?