WEBVTT 0 00:00.750 --> 00:04.750 This Myth kid streamsniped BlitzerGirl 1 00:05.000 --> 00:06.000 It's all G 2 00:06.750 --> 00:10.750 Yeah no one wants to stream this shit because no one can play fair 3 00:11.000 --> 00:13.000 i just dont think its fun for people to watch 4 00:13.000 --> 00:17.000 It's not fucking fun for me, silly cow 5 00:17.500 --> 00:21.000 It's just MM, nothing serious. woah where is my fucking sock brev 6 00:21.500 --> 00:24.000 You heard MAZA is in a pro team? 7 00:24.500 --> 00:25.500 MAZA? i don't know 8 00:26.500 --> 00:27.500 Lets just play 9 00:27.750 --> 00:30.000 6 raids in a row we play with someone on my stream 10 00:30.500 --> 00:32.500 You literally rage quit a game 11 00:32.500 --> 00:35.000 does it make any diff if i stayed? 12 00:36.000 --> 00:37.000 you got mad 13 00:42.000 --> 00:45.000 imma be fake and quiet.