WEBVTT 0 00:00.500 --> 00:03.250 We need full voting rights on the Security Council 1 00:04.000 --> 00:05.500 We have spoken to Russia 2 00:05.650 --> 00:07.500 And we have secured their support 3 00:08.000 --> 00:12.000 They have agreed to submit the motion on our behalf 4 00:12.900 --> 00:15.500 And we also obtained tacit support from the rest of the P5 5 00:17.500 --> 00:19.000 Then there shouldn't be any more problems 6 00:19.000 --> 00:21.500 Our voting rights have been secured 7 00:24.750 --> 00:26.500 Mein Führer... 8 00:27.500 --> 00:28.500 Albania... 9 00:31.000 --> 00:33.500 Albania is leading a campaign against our motion 10 00:34.000 --> 00:36.000 They have secured enough support to block the vote 11 00:53.000 --> 00:58.500 I want everyone out of the room except Russia, Gabon, China and India 12 01:13.000 --> 01:15.000 HOW DID THIS SHIT HAPPEN 13 01:15.250 --> 01:17.750 I THOUGHT WE HAD THIS VOTE IN THE BAG 14 01:18.750 --> 01:23.250 HOW THE FUCK DID ALBANIA OF ALL COUNTRIES MANAGE TO SCREW US OVER 15 01:25.250 --> 01:28.000 So that's how it is then 16 01:29.250 --> 01:31.000 Half the committee has turned against us 17 01:31.500 --> 01:34.000 EVEN THE FUCKING SWISS HAVE TURNED ON US 18 01:34.750 --> 01:37.750 AREN'T THESE GUYS MEANT TO BE THE PINNACLE OF IMPARTIALITY 19 01:37.750 --> 01:40.500 WHATEVER THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SWISS NEUTRALITY 20 01:40.500 --> 01:42.750 We were focused on securing the support of the P5, never in a million years did we think- 21 01:42.750 --> 01:46.250 THE SWISS OF ALL PEOPLE, HOW THE FUCK DID WE MANAGE TO ANGER THEM 22 01:46.500 --> 01:48.790 I'm sorry but we don't have a clue either what caused this 23 01:48.790 --> 01:52.000 WELL NOW OUR GRAND PLAN HAS GONE DOWN THE SHITTER 24 01:53.000 --> 01:54.500 WE'RE FUCKED NOW 25 01:56.000 --> 01:57.750 WHAT USE IS OUR VOICE IN THIS COMMITTEE 26 01:57.750 --> 02:00.500 WHEN WE CAN'T EVEN VOTE ON THE MOST BASIC SHIT 27 02:00.500 --> 02:03.500 LIKE WHAT ACRONYM TO CALL A NEW BULLSHIT ORGANISATION 28 02:04.500 --> 02:08.000 SERIOUSLY WHO THE FUCK CARES WHETHER YOUR ORGANISATION IS CALLED GAREY 29 02:08.750 --> 02:13.500 OR WHETHER TO SPLIT THE DPPA INTO THE DPCM AND THE DCMD 30 02:14.000 --> 02:16.750 I SWEAR I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT 31 02:17.500 --> 02:21.750 AND AS FOR ALBANIA, THEY CAN ROT FOREVER IN HELL AS A SERBIAN PUPPET 32 02:27.000 --> 02:29.000 . 33 02:30.500 --> 02:34.000 . 34 02:34.500 --> 02:36.500 . 35 02:41.000 --> 02:42.500 . 36 02:43.000 --> 02:47.500 . 37 02:48.500 --> 02:53.000 . 38 02:54.000 --> 02:56.000 . 39 02:56.500 --> 02:59.750 . 40 03:00.000 --> 03:02.500 . 41 03:04.750 --> 03:07.500 . 42 03:14.250 --> 03:16.250 . 43 03:19.250 --> 03:23.250 . 44 03:25.550 --> 03:26.750 . 45 03:31.500 --> 03:33.750 . 46 03:40.750 --> 03:46.250 . 47 03:46.500 --> 03:49.000 . 48 03:53.750 --> 03:56.000 .