WEBVTT 0 00:00.500 --> 00:03.250 We have the woke mind virus cornered 1 00:04.000 --> 00:05.500 We banned the libtard journalists... 2 00:05.650 --> 00:08.000 ...and links are now being censored 3 00:08.000 --> 00:12.000 You can't say "mastodon" or "post" or "Elon sucks" 4 00:12.900 --> 00:15.500 and that little creep posting flight details has had his legs broken 5 00:17.500 --> 00:19.000 Excellent, excellent... 6 00:19.000 --> 00:21.500 We'll go after the trans people and Jews tomorrow. 7 00:24.750 --> 00:26.500 Elon... 8 00:27.500 --> 00:28.500 That poll... 9 00:31.000 --> 00:33.500 That poll you posted about resigning as CEO of twitter 10 00:34.000 --> 00:36.000 it has not gone your way. 11 00:53.000 --> 00:58.500 Everyone except for Sacks, Calacanis, Andreeson, and Catturd, get the fuck out. 12 01:13.000 --> 01:15.000 How in the fuck could this happen?! 13 01:15.250 --> 01:17.750 How is it even fucking possible to lose my own poll?!!! 14 01:18.750 --> 01:23.250 I paid $44 Billion for this garbage webshite and now I have to fucking resign?! 15 01:25.250 --> 01:28.000 I even have my mom simping for me in the comments FFS 16 01:29.250 --> 01:31.000 not that she makes any fucking sense! 17 01:31.500 --> 01:34.500 I should have just made my own website, "Super Social." 18 01:34.750 --> 01:37.750 But NOOOO, I hade to go "Vox Populi, Vox Dei" on myself 19 01:37.500 --> 01:40.500 Well "Vox Populi" is fucking dumb, what the fuck! 20 01:40.500 --> 01:42.750 Elon we can just make an excuse to run the poll over again 21 01:42.750 --> 01:46.250 I already did that with the last one Jason, you fucking tool! 22 01:46.500 --> 01:48.790 Perhaps I can take over personally 23 01:48.790 --> 01:52.000 Yeah because you're just full of brilliant fucking ideas aren't you? 24 01:53.000 --> 01:54.500 Fucking idiots, all of you! 25 01:56.000 --> 01:57.750 Don't you have a podcast to promote? 26 01:57.750 --> 02:00.500 The one where you and a bunch of has-been losers 27 02:00.500 --> 02:03.500 take turns grifting money from your gaggle of wannabe nerds? 28 02:04.500 --> 02:08.000 Now the Saudis are up my ass for interest payments 29 02:08.750 --> 02:13.500 And I'm stuck in this hellhole sniffing my own farts with a bunch of edgelord losers 30 02:14.000 --> 02:16.750 All my old supporters are turning on me 31 02:17.500 --> 02:21.750 and the only ones who still like me are MAGA losers, and Russians! 32 02:27.000 --> 02:29.000 This isn't support to happen to me. 33 02:30.500 --> 02:34.000 I'm the goddamn rocket man electric car genius 34 02:34.500 --> 02:36.500 I put the goddamn internet in space, FFS! 35 02:41.000 --> 02:42.500 Fuck it. 36 02:43.000 --> 02:47.500 I should be digging Tesla out of the massive crisis I created, not banning URLs 37 02:48.500 --> 02:53.000 If I had just paid the $1 Billion severance penalty and walked away, 38 02:54.000 --> 02:56.000 I would still be the world's richest man 39 02:56.500 --> 02:59.750 Now that fucking handbag salesman has me beat... 40 03:00.000 --> 03:02.500 And don't even fucking get me started about Bezos! 41 03:04.750 --> 03:07.500 It's OK, i'll show you how to set up Mastodon later. 42 03:14.250 --> 03:18.000 I just wanted a free speech platform... 43 03:19.250 --> 03:24.250 Then I realized I fucking hate free speech 44 03:25.550 --> 03:28.750 I just tweeted again, BTW 45 03:31.500 --> 03:33.750 Have fun walking that one back, assholes. 46 03:40.750 --> 03:46.250 On the bright side, at least I made total fools out of Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss 47 03:46.500 --> 03:50.000 You do have to appreciate the small victories in life. 48 03:53.750 --> 03:56.000 Make Dril CEO