WEBVTT 0 00:00.500 --> 00:03.250 It was parked on the jetty in Pompey 1 00:04.000 --> 00:05.500 He drove it it up the M27 2 00:05.650 --> 00:07.500 all the way up the M3 for weekenders 3 00:08.000 --> 00:12.000 then brought it back on Monday morning. 4 00:12.990 --> 00:15.500 and we reckon he got in a few runs to Morrisons as well. 5 00:17.500 --> 00:19.000 Alright. How long do you want me 6 00:19.000 --> 00:21.500 to take his FMT600 off him? 7 00:24.750 --> 00:26.500 Sir... 8 00:27.500 --> 00:28.500 ...the thing is... 9 00:31.000 --> 00:33.500 We've already binned him as Skipper 10 00:34.000 --> 00:36.000 New bloke starts tomorrow. 11 00:53.000 --> 00:58.500 Will the junior service please leave the room for a moment? 12 01:13.000 --> 01:15.000 You're having a fucking giraffe!! 13 01:15.250 --> 01:17.750 He's the skipper of the fucking QE! 14 01:18.750 --> 01:23.250 He can't have a cheeky borrow of the unit car for the weekend?! 15 01:25.250 --> 01:28.000 What about that Wren you're shagging in the office? 16 01:29.250 --> 01:31.000 Dowdy Doris with the Princess Leia hair buns? 17 01:31.500 --> 01:34.000 How many "duty trips" have you made to see her? 18 01:34.750 --> 01:37.750 Or that "family emergency" in Twickenham 19 01:37.500 --> 01:40.500 that came up the day before the Army vs Navy match? 20 01:40.500 --> 01:42.750 Sir, remember the Naval Service core values... 21 01:42.750 --> 01:46.250 Don't come that 'C2DRIL' bollocks with me!!! 22 01:46.500 --> 01:48.799 But we can't just turn a blind eye... 23 01:48.799 --> 01:52.000 Alright, Mouth Almighty, just fucking run the bloke! 24 01:53.000 --> 01:54.500 Do you really need to fuck his whole career?! 25 01:56.000 --> 01:57.750 I notice it's a different story 26 01:57.750 --> 02:00.500 When your submariner mates get caught out! 27 02:00.500 --> 02:03.500 Crash the fucking Astute every other week 28 02:04.500 --> 02:08.000 wreck the odd oil tanker, shag the female YOs 29 02:08.750 --> 02:13.500 and the worst that seems to happen is they get kicked upstairs 30 02:14.000 --> 02:16.750 to some fucking cushty Admiral's billet. 31 02:17.500 --> 02:21.750 This bloke wasn't even rinsing the GPC card. He paid for all the fuel himself! 32 02:27.000 --> 02:29.000 Alright, maybe he could have asked around 33 02:30.500 --> 02:34.000 Bound to be some career brown-noser itching to get in his good books 34 02:34.500 --> 02:37.500 driving up that way anyway and given a lift 35 02:40.000 --> 02:43.000 Ship's company, Wardroom, Senior Staff 36 02:43.000 --> 02:47.500 They have a fucking WhatsApp group for everything now 37 02:48.500 --> 02:53.000 one of the ship's company could have helped him out 38 02:54.000 --> 02:56.000 Probably thought he shouldn't get involved in all that 39 02:56.500 --> 02:59.750 He is the Skipper after all 40 03:00.000 --> 03:02.500 Not like he's running off to shag the unit bike behind his Mrs' back! 41 03:04.750 --> 03:07.500 Don't listen to him. Your hair buns look lovely. 42 03:14.250 --> 03:16.250 You lot wait til you're in civvy jobs 43 03:19.250 --> 03:23.250 because this is honestly fuck all. 44 03:25.550 --> 03:26.750 Fuck all squared. 45 03:31.500 --> 03:33.750 Alright. Bin him then. 46 03:40.750 --> 03:46.250 But now we'll have to invent new DLE courses 47 03:46.500 --> 03:49.000 and make them mandatory to get an FMT 48 03:53.750 --> 03:56.000 fucking admin ball-ache...