WEBVTT 0 00:00.500 --> 00:03.250 We finally have a new pic of the 35th Anniversary Optimus Prime. 1 00:04.000 --> 00:05.500 This figure's aesthetic 2 00:05.650 --> 00:07.500 matches MP36 perfectly. 3 00:08.000 --> 00:12.000 Looks like the new gun is bigger and can fold. 4 00:12.990 --> 00:15.500 Fans have gone absolutely bannanas over this. 5 00:17.500 --> 00:19.000 Of course he would match 6 00:19.000 --> 00:21.500 It's just a lazy remold and redeco money grab. 7 00:24.750 --> 00:26.500 Muh Führer, 8 00:27.500 --> 00:28.500 Actually.... 9 00:31.000 --> 00:33.500 It's a complete new figure and new transformation. 10 00:34.000 --> 00:36.000 MP10 matches Gundam better imho. 11 00:53.000 --> 00:58.500 You're about to hear a grown man rants about toy. 12 01:13.000 --> 01:15.000 WHAT ABOUT MUH JAZZ?! 13 01:15.250 --> 01:17.750 HOW IS THIS NECESSARY? MUH JAZZ!! 14 01:18.750 --> 01:23.219 This IS just complete waste of time! 15 01:25.549 --> 01:31.000 And I thought MP10 is already toon accurate! 16 01:31.500 --> 01:34.000 according to my own definition of accuracy of course! 17 01:34.750 --> 01:37.750 At this point why not just sell a toy truck and an articulated robot. 18 01:37.500 --> 01:40.500 It does not transform in the traditional sense, it turns inside out. It's like a weird glorified shellformer. 19 01:40.500 --> 01:42.750 How dare TT makes transforming robots to achieve accuracy. How dare them! 20 01:42.750 --> 01:46.250 How dare TT waste time on a new OP instead of repainting MP10! 21 01:46.500 --> 01:48.799 Muh Führer, that sounds like some lazy company would do to their fans 22 01:48.799 --> 01:52.000 At this rate, I will never get Muh Jazz and Muh Jazz and also Muh Jazz. 23 01:53.000 --> 01:54.500 What ABOUT JAZZ?? 24 01:56.000 --> 01:57.750 I got a better idea. Rally up the troops, 25 01:57.750 --> 02:00.500 makes some noise on the forums, and let the designers know 26 02:00.500 --> 02:03.500 their "new direction" blows monkey balls. 27 02:04.500 --> 02:08.000 This "literal" cartoon thing is destroying the line. 28 02:08.750 --> 02:13.500 Lets pray this is just a one off homage 29 02:14.000 --> 02:16.750 to their flagship character. 30 02:17.500 --> 02:21.750 Lets us pray that a dumbed down group of seekers and soundwave are not coming!! 31 02:27.000 --> 02:29.000 I imagined TT don't know WTH they're doing. 32 02:30.500 --> 02:34.000 They should please non-Japanese like me. We're they're target audience afterall. 33 02:34.500 --> 02:36.500 Because we buy more MPs than Japan! 34 02:41.000 --> 02:42.500 I'm inclined to believe 35 02:43.000 --> 02:47.500 Takara will do whatever Hasbro is willing to invest in, regardless of Japanese mainland sales. 36 02:48.500 --> 02:53.000 Its a business so they will follow the money. 37 02:54.000 --> 02:56.000 Takara might be its own company, 38 02:56.500 --> 02:59.750 but the cartoon IP belongs to Hasbro. 39 03:00.000 --> 03:02.500 Takara is basically Hasbro's b**ch!! 40 03:04.750 --> 03:07.500 I wet myself after seeing the pic, too. 41 03:14.250 --> 03:16.250 This is a lazy design.. 42 03:19.250 --> 03:23.250 Lazy Takara couldn't even make the windows shrink, so much for cartoon accuracy. 43 03:25.550 --> 03:26.750 "Whatever.." 44 03:31.500 --> 03:33.750 "we'll fake it" 45 03:40.750 --> 03:46.250 Why are people so obsessed with laziness/cheapness and try to pass it off as accuracy? 46 03:46.500 --> 03:49.000 How dare they tried to hide those wheels instead of just leave them. 47 03:53.750 --> 03:56.000 Hasui is my waifu.